Professional Highlights

Twilio ↗ (opens in a new tab)

Senior Web Engineer - Brand Team (2017-2021)

Twilio logo

I oversaw the development, testing, and deployment of the website and subsites such as the Twilio blog, guidelines, legal, and SIGNAL website. I built comprehensive, accessible customer experiences that were used by millions of developers and businesses around the world.

I also helped create the Hackpack v4, which was a physical piece of hardware and software that was sent to Twilio's VIP attendees at their developer conference, Twilio SIGNAL (opens in a new tab) in 2018.

⚜️ Paste Design System (opens in a new tab)

I helped craft the Paste Design System (opens in a new tab) and its React component library (opens in a new tab) to be used across Twilio products and websites.

🎉 SIGNAL Developer Conference (opens in a new tab)

I created the SIGNAL 2020 (opens in a new tab) website, which was a fully custom React app.

🤖 Hackpack v4 (opens in a new tab)

A hackable, Raspberry Pi-powered, digital badge for Twilio SIGNAL 2018.

Twilio Hackpack

I created much of the software for the Hackpack v4, including the Kiosk app and the React app that ran on the device. I also helped design the hardware.

📦 Hardware

View the Hackpack website (opens in a new tab) live.

🪄 Twilio Magic Website

An animation-filled sub-site for Twilio's Magic campaign.

Twilio Magic website screenshot

View a demo of the Twilio Magic Site live. Note: The site is not associated with Twilio and is just a demonstration of my work.